Medicare Online Patient Claim Same Day Delete


If a Patient Claim is sent in error, you may be able to use the Same-Day Delete function to delete the claim.  In order to do this however the following prerequisites must be met:

  • Same-Day Delete can only be used on the same business day the transmission was sent to Medicare Australia
  • You must have the authority of the Patient to delete the claim
  • Same-Day Deletions can only be performed during the Services Australia supported hours
  • If a claim has been referred to a Services Australia operator for what ever reason it will not generally be available for Same-Day Deletion.

NoteSame-Day Delete can only be used for Patient Claims.  Services Australia provides no Same-Day Delete functionality for Bulk Bill or DVA claims.  For these you will need to contact Services Australia.


  1. Go to Medicare >> Claims >> Patient Claims
  2. Select Get Data
  3. Select the Same-Day Delete Icon on the very right-hand side against the Patient Claim you wish to delete, after getting permission from the patient to do so.
  4. In the Same Day Delete Reason Code pop-up window,  select the reason for the Deletion.
  5. Click on Submit Claim Deletion to Medicare
  6. A confirmation message will be displayed  successfully deleted:
  7. If you receive a message saying the Claim cannot be deleted, you will need to contact Services Australia to get it deleted.  The most common cause is that the transaction does not meet the prerequisites to be deleted (See the prerequisites listed in the Reason Section)