Merge a Duplicate Client


If a client is duplicated in GPM and the conditions are duplicated too, the appointments may be created under the duplicated client conditions.


Follow the steps below to merge the duplicate client and conditions:

  1. Edit the client to be merged and rename it:
  2. Click on  next to the client in the Client Header.
  3. On the Client Details window, update the client's Last Name  (e.g. "John Smith Delete Me").
  4. Merge the clients:
  5. Go to Top Menu - Clients >> Merge Clients.
  6. Select the client to merge (Merge From) on the left hand side and the client to retain (Merge To) on the right hand side.
  7. Click Save to proceed with the merge.

  8. Merge the client conditions:
    IMPORTANT: Until you merge the conditions, the merged client will have the conditions from BOTH client entities.
    If you need to keep the conditions from both client entities then DO NOT merge the affected conditions.
  9. Click on  next to the client in the Client Header
  10. On the Client Details window, click on the Conditions tab
  11. On the Client Conditions window, click on Merge Conditions
  12. Select the condition to merge from (Merge From) on the left hand side and the condition to retain (Merge To) on the right hand side
  13. Select Save to proceed with the merging process.