Miscellaneous Reports

Running Miscellaneous Reports

  • Go to Reports >> Reports and select Miscellaneous from the Report Category list.
  • Then select a report in the Report to Run list.
  • Set up the filters to select the data to be run for the report.
  • Click on Run Report to generate the report.


The Miscellaneous Reports

Click on a miscellaneous report below for a more detailed description.


Clinician Appointment Counts

This report shows the appointment numbers based on Vendor, Site, Clinician, and Count Period.

Deleted Appointments

This report shows all Deleted Appointments within a specified date range.

Moved Appointments

This report shows all Moved Appointments within a specified date range.

PT Paid Appointments Report

This report shows all Personal Trainer Appointments within a specified date range.

User Access Activity

This report shows the record of the users' access to Letters and/or Uploaded Files.