Quality Reports

Running Quality Reports

Quality Reports are used to monitor high-level business metrics.

  • Go to Reports >> Reports and select Quality from the Report Category list.
  • Then select a report in the Report to Run list.
  • Set up the filters to select the data to be run for the report.
  • Click on Run Report to generate the report.

The Quality Reports

Click on a quality report below for a more detailed description:


Client Demographics Report

This graphical report shows the total number and percentage of clients per age bracket, gender, and ethnic group for a specified date range and grouped by Site.

Client Referral Detail

This report shows referral details for clients based on the client creation date or the first appointment date.

Clients Last Appointment Report

This report shows the Last Appointment for a client for a specified date range and for all or selected clinicians.

Clients Not Seen or Discharged Report

This report shows a list of clients with appointments on or after a specified date but have not had an appointment since a different specified date and have not been Discharged.

Clients Not Seen Report

This report shows a list of clients with appointments on or after a specified date but has not had an appointment since a different specified date.

Clinician Capacity

This report shows Available Hours per Provider based on the Provider's Appointment Schedule defined under Administration.

Clinician Unique Clients Report

This report shows the number of Completed Appointments in the specified Date Range, for each Client, for All or selected Clinicians.

Condition Referral Details

This report shows referral details of conditions created or started within a specified date range, grouped by referrer or injury type and for a selected site and clinician.

Condition Referrer/Clinic Summary

This report shows Condition injury types by referrer or clinic for a specified date range.

Condition Summary Report

This report returns summarised count data for Conditions created within a specified date range.

DNA / Cancellations Report

This report shows all DNA (Did Not Arrive) and/or Cancelled Appointments for a specified date range.

GP Clients Referral Source Report

This report shows the counts of all or selected referral sources based on new clients created within a specified date range.

New Clients Report

This report shows the new clients that have been created or that have had their first appointment within a specified date range.

Referral Source - Clients

This report shows referral sources for new clients that have had their first appointment within a specified date range

Referral Source - Conditions

This report shows referral sources for clients where a condition has been linked to the first appointment within the specified date range.

Why Choose Us - Clients

This report returns the "Why Choose Us" entered against a new client that has had a first appointment within a specified date range

Why Choose Us - Conditions

This report returns the "Why Choose Us" entered against a new client that has had a first appointment linked to a condition within a specified date range