Restricted Clinical Notes


A Clinician requires the clinical notes they enter to be viewable by themselves only, so that other clinicians are restricted from viewing their notes against the client.

It is now possible to setup a separate User to have Viewing Rights of all Restricted Clinical Notes and Letters & Uploads for high level admin and clinical purposes.


Note: Please contact Gensolve Support to enable this option of restricting clinical notes, and setting up users to be able to view Restricted Notes/Uploads for your Organisation. 

Configuring a Clinician to use Restricted Notes

  1. Go to Administration > Click on Clinicians > Click on Get Data
  2. Select Clinician > Click on Medical Notes Settings tab
  3. Tick Enable Restricted Notes
  4. Click on Save.
  5. Go to Appointments >> Right-mouse click on the Appointment >> Click on Create Medical Notes
  6. Click on Create the Notes
  7. Click on Restricted tab

Note: The Restricted Notes are only available for the Clinician's System User

Configuring a Separate User to be able to View Restricted Notes, Letters and Uploads

  1. Contact Gensolve Support to have Viewing Rights turned on for a specific User.  They will then be setup to view all notes and uploads across the Vendor.
  2. A new tick box will appear against their Administration >> System Users >> Restrictions & Security settings. This user is able to view restricted Letters, Uploads and Notes will appear ticked.  If required the tick Box can be unticked if the Viewing Rights are to be cancelled without having to contact Gensolve Support, however any subsequent new user will need to be setup by Gensolve Support.
  3. The user with Restricted Notes Viewing Rights, can then open Clinical Notes, via either the client's Full History or the Appointment tab, and view the contents of the clinical notes including any Restricted Notes that have been entered.  
  4. For viewing Restricted Letters & Uploads, if the User navigates to the client's Letters & Uploads tab, they will be able to see any Letters & Uploads that have been restricted.