Setting Up Service Charges for the Appointment Booking Web Portal

You will now be able to allow patients to book appointments from the Appointment Booking Web Portal with service charges included.

Refer to the information provided below to learn more about configuring these Service Charges from GPM.

General Advanced Appointment Settings

If you wish to have more than just the Basic Appt Settings available for all clinicians on the Clinic Portal, you will need to activate the Advanced Appts Settings as follows:

  1. Go to Administration >> Web Configuration.
  2. Click on the General Settings tab.
  3. Select Advanced Appt Settings and click Configure...
  4. Include the service charges to be allowed on the Appointment Booking Web Portal.
  5. Set the duration (minutes) for the appointments associated with each service charge.
  6. Click Save.

NoteThis action will make these service charges available for all the Web Enabled Clinicians who do not have specific settings of their own and will also override the Basic Appointment Settings.

Advanced Appointment Settings per Clinician

If you wish to have specific settings for a clinician, you will need to activate their advanced settings as follows:

  1. Go to Administration >> Web Configuration.
  2. Click on the Clinicians tab.
  3. Select a clinician and click on  to edit the Clinician details.
  4. Tick the "Override the Default Duration for this Provider" box
  5. This will allow you the select either the Basic Appts Settings or the Advanced Appt Settings, but not both.
  6. Here the Basic Appt Settings will allow you to change the durations of the Initial and Follow Up default durations which are set under General Settings across all the Provider's sites, or use the Site Duration for setting different durations for different sites.
  7. To add specific charges select Advanced Appt Settings and click Configure
  8. Include the service charges to be allowed into the Appointment Booking Web Portal for this clinician.

  9. Select the site(s) the service charges will be available at.

  10. Set the duration (minutes) for the appointments associated with each service charge.

  11. Click Save.

    Note: Once the Basic Appt Settings or the Advanced Appt Settings are set under the Clinician, the Basic Appt Settings or Advanced Appt Settings set under General Settings will not apply