Stripe Payment for Telehealth Consultation

Configuring an Email template with the Payment Link

In order to be able to get a payment link and send it to a client, we need to first create an Email Template with it. In GPM, go to Administration >> Email Templates >> New Email Template >> For Type, select Client Appointment >> Fill the template's Name, Subject, and Email text >> Make sure to include the Client_Online_PMT_URL tag that can be found on the Available Tags list.

Completing a Telehealth Consultation and Sending Payment Link

1. In order to be able to send a payment link and receive a payout, a Telehealth appointment must be completed first. On the GPM Scheduler, you will identify a Telehealth Consultation because it has a black video icon on the top right corner of the appointment.

2. After having completing the appointment a Send Email window will be displayed automatically, but in case you want to send the payment link later, you can open the appointment and click on the Email the Client button >> Then, on the Send E-mail to...  displayed window, on Apply a Template select the template created on Configuring an Email template with the Payment link and click on Apply >> Verify the information, set an Email on the From field and click Send.

Now the client will receive the mail with the link that will redirect them to a page where they will be able to select the outstanding charge for the consultation and pay it.

Client Payment and Viewing Payout on Stripe

1. In this section we will see what the client sees after clicking on the received payment link

2. After the client has selected the outstanding charge related to the Telehealth Consultation and clicks on Pay Now, they are redirected to the Stripe payment page

3. After successfully paying, you will be able to see on your Stripe Dashboard the charge on your transactions. To view this information on the Dashboard click on Balances >> Transactions.

Note: this tutorial was made using test data and thus, the information represented might not be completely accurate. Also, when viewing your balances is important that the toggle Viewing test data is off.