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  2. Gensolve Enterprise Manager

Using Medical Objects Messaging Service with GPM

NOTE : Currently, Gensolve can only Receive Medical Objects Messages

Assigning a Medical Objects Identifier (MO) to Vendor

1. If you only have one MO (Medical Objects Identifier) then it is added to the Vendor

  • Go to Administration >> Vendors >> Get Data >> Click on  to edit the Vendors detail
  • Go to Other Settings tab >> Enter the MO Identifier >> Save

Assigning Medical Objects Identifier (MO) to Site

1. If you have multiple MO (Medical Objects Interface) then it is added to your Sites

  • Go to Administration >> Site >> Get Data >> Click on  to edit the Site detail
  • On the Site Details tab >> Enter the MO Identifier >> Save

NOTE : If the MO is set for The Site it will override the Vendor setting and Site MO will be displayed

Medical Objects Message in Healthlink Tab

1. Medical Objects Messages will be displayed in the Healthlink tab

  • Go to Healthlink >> Messages >> Get Data
  • Messages coming from Medical Objects will be displayed with MO in front of it and if there is any data highlighted in the message it will be displayed in red colour

Using the Match Referrer Tool

NOTE : Messages where sender (From), recipient (To) or Client field are shown in brackets indicate that field could not be matched to a Referrer, a Provider or a Client stored in GPM . These messages will need to be edited and each field matched manually before the message can be confirmed

  • Click on  to edit the selected Message
  • Click  to manually match this field to a Referrer
  • Select the Referrer from the drop down list , Click on  to edit the Referrer or  to create a New Referrer >> Confirm Matched Referrer

  • Similarly manually match the field to a provider >> Confirm Matched Provider
  • Similarly manually match the field to a Client >> Confirm Matched Client
  • Click on Confirm Message
    NOTE : Once Confirmed, the message will also show in the client's Healthlink Message tab