Vertical Writing on Appointment Book


What is the meaning of the vertical writing on the Appointment Book (as shown below)?


This indicates that the provider whose column has vertical writing is scheduled to work at a different site (than the one selected) for the period of time indicated
(e.g.: The example above shows appointments for providers at site Oz Physio but Eva Dogood is scheduled to work from 9:00am to 12:00pm at site Oz Podiatry).

If you have access, you can change the Appointment Book display by selecting the Site tab for the site where the provider is scheduled to be working (see Appointment Book).


To modify the sites where a provider is scheduled to work, go to Administration >> Appt Schedules (see How to Create an Appointment Schedule).

Note: This window ONLY determines times and sites where a clinician is scheduled to work. The times and sites entered in this window will be reflected in the Appointment Book calendar view.

To determine which sites a clinician has access to when they log in to GPM, go to Administration >> Clinicians then:

  1. To add a clinician to a site : click on the  button next to the selected clinician
  2. To remove a clinician from a site : select the clinician and then use the  button in the bottom grid.