Web Portal Configuration - Clinicians Settings

The Clinicians tab is used to configure the clinicians' appointment schedules, service charges and the classes that will be made visible to patients when booking via the Appointment Booking Web Portal.

Edit Clinician Settings

Use this window to edit the Web Portal settings for a clinician.

  • Tick the Web Enable setting to indicate that appointments can be booked online with this clinician.
  • You will be able to override the default duration for each provider by setting up the Basic Appointment Settings (Initial and Follow Up appointments) or activating the Advanced Appointment Settings to include service charges within the Clinic Portal. For more information see: Setting Up Service Charges for the Clinic Portal.


Add Clinician's Schedules

Use this window to select the clinician's appointment schedules that should be made available for online booking.

Note: A clinician's schedules will need to be created prior to making them visible online.

You will also be able to make a schedule available for online booking via Administration >> Appointment Schedules. For more information see: How to Create an Appointment Schedule.

Add Weekly Classes

Use this window to select the clinician's weekly classes that should be made available for online booking.

Note: Weekly classes will need to be created prior to making them visible online: see How to Create a New Weekly Class.