Web Portal Configuration - Custom Text Settings

The Custom Text tab is used to customize the default text that is displayed on the Appointment Booking Web Portal.

This is done by viewing the wording or text on your online booking portal that you might want to change. Then find that wording in the Web Configuration>Custom Text tab in Gensolve by searching for it in the Original Text column. Use the icon on the right to edit the text and either add to the text or change the text. Once the text is changed it does not immediately reflect on the portal; it needs a few minutes or so to refresh.


Edit Custom Text

If  we want to change "Find an available medical practitioner" as seen on the portal

Medical Practitioner

Find the Original Text, edit it and enter your preferred wording in the Custom Text field


Note : Text changes take a while to appear on your portal. Check your portal later to see the changes show as you wanted.