Why a Healthlink message sent is now in the Failed folder?


When an attempt is made to send a Healthlink message, the message does not reach the recipient and the message is saved in the Failed folder.


The most likely caused is that the created message has failed due to the recipient EDI being incorrect.


Validate why the message failed to be processed

1. Go to the Healthlink tab>> Messages tab >> Click on the Failed folder >> Click on Get Data >> Click on the  button next to the failed message.

2. In the message's details window, click on the View Status button to see why the message failed to be sent. Click on OK to close the window.

The Error Message below indicates that the message failed to be delivered due to an invalid EDI.

Replace the invalid EDI

Now that it has been identified why the message failed to be sent, it is necessary to remove the incorrect EDI from that Referrer and replace it with the correct EDI by the following steps:

1. Find the correct EDI for the Referrer by either contacting the Referrer directly, or by downloading the Healthlink EDI Guide.

2. Click on the  button next to the Referrer.

3. Go to the Referrer Details tab >> Enter the correct EDI for the Referrer. >> Click on Save.

4. Now that the Referrer's EDI has been correctly configured, the message must be recreated and sent again. This time, the message should appeared in the Successful folder.