WindCave Payment

Note: Contact Gensolve Support to ask to be enabled for WindCave

In order to start receiving online payments through WindCave (PxPay), you need to have a WindCave Account. In this topic we are going to cover the basic steps to create an account and set the API Key necessary to connect GPM with WindCave and start sending Payment links to your client. Please refer to the following steps:

Creating a WindCave Account

1. Go to WindCave Sign Up page, enter credentials for your business and click on Get Started.

Note: If your business already has a registered WindCave account and you have been provided with API Key, skip to Connecting WindCave to GPM.

2. After entering your business information, a verification email step is needed.

Note: You might not see the verification immediately as the account set up process usually takes 1-3 business days.

3. Go to your email, open the mail sent by WindCave and verify your application by clicking on the provided link. Take note of the Portal Username provided in the mail since it will become your PxPayUserId.

4. After clicking on the link on the email, you will be re-directed to a Set Logon Password page. Choose a password according to the criteria provided and then click OK.

5. After having successfully set a valid password, detailed business information will be required so that an Account Manager can be assigned to your account activation process. Enter all of the mandatory fields and click Save & Continue.

6. After submitting your Company information, an Account Manager will be assigned so your account activation process can be completed. You will receive an email with this information as well.


Connecting WindCave to GPM

1. After verifying your account, the WindCave Activation team will contact you to provide the PxPayUserId and PxPayKey.

Note: These are example credentials.

2. When you receive the ID and Key, in GPM Windows go to Administration >> Vendors >> Click on the  icon to edit your vendor >> On Vendor Details, for Web Payment select PxPay >> Then enter the PxPayUserId and PxPayKey provided by the WindCave Activation Team and click on Save.

Now the payment links generated from GPM appointments and emailed to clients will be paid using WindCave (PxPay) and received in your bank.


Configuring an Email Template with the Payment Link

  1. In order to be able to send a payment link to a Client, an Email Template which includes the link has to be created for all future such emails. In GPM, go to Administration >> Email Templates >> New Email Template >> For Type, select Client Appointment >> Fill the template's Name, Subject, and Email text by using the Tags on the right and the  icon.   Make sure to include the Client_Online_PMT_URL tag that can be found in the Available Tags list. This Email Template can be used for Telehealth appointments too.

  1. For the Telehealth appointments, go to Administration >> Vendors >> Click on the  icon to edit your vendor >> On the Client & Appointment Settings tab, under Enable Telehealth Appointments? select the template created and click on Save.

Note: The Enable Telehealth Appointments? checkbox needs to be ticked in order to create Telehealth Consultations and to set the related Email Template.


Completing an appointment and Sending Payment Link

1. In order to be able to send a payment link and receive a payout, an appointment must be completed first. Telehealth appointments also have to be completed first for the payout email to be sent. On the GPM Appointment book, you will see that a Telehealth appointment has a  icon on the top right corner of the appointment.

2. After setting an appointment to Completed, a Send Email window will be displayed automatically with the Email Template you created earlier. If you want to send the payment link later, exit out of the window. When you are ready to send the email, you can open the appointment and click on the Email the Client button >> Then, on the Send E-mail to...  displayed window, at Apply a Template select the template created per the above heading Configuring an Email template with the Payment link and click on Apply >> Verify the information, set an Email on the From field and click Send.

Now the client will receive the email with the link that will redirect them to a page where they will be able to select the outstanding charge for the consultation and pay it.


Client Payment and viewing Payout on WindCave and GPM

1. In this section we will see what the client sees after clicking on the emailed Pay Online Now link.

2. After the client has selected the outstanding charge related to the appointment and clicks on Pay Now, they are redirected to the WindCave payment page. After entering valid payment information and submitting it, a Transaction approved message will be displayed with the payment details.

3. When a transaction is successful, you will be able to see it in your WindCave account transactions section. To view this information on the account click on Transaction Search and it should be the last entry.

Note: Note: this tutorial was made using test data and thus, the information represented might be slightly different to your view but will still give you enough to follow.

4. Going back to GPM, when viewing the appointment once again, the charge now shows as paid.