Working with ACC Physio MBI Condition and Appointments

Prerequisites: The Clinician must be setup with a Physio MBI Contract

Setting up the Client's Condition

  1. Edit the Client >> Conditions >> New Condition (Or alternatively click  next to the Condition Drop Down tool in the Client Header)
  2. Ensure the Claim Type is set to be ACC
  3. Fill in the Condition Form as you would for an ACC Condition.  Please see the video How to Create a Condition for an ACC Claim
  4. Ensure Under the Injury Diagnosis and Assistance section that a Physio - Maternal Birth Injury Read Code is selected and that Maternal Birth Injury is ticked.
  5. Once completed filling in the other Condition details click Save
  6. The Condition is now ready to be linked to an Appointment

Setting up the Physio MBI Contract Appointment

  1. On how to book an appointment please see How to Create an Appointment

  2. From the Client Appointment Details screen Select an MBI related Service Code. Please see Adding a New Service Charge for more information

  3. At the Client Condition drop down box select the MBI Condition

  4. Under The Insurance Billing Details section ensure the ACC Contract is set to Physio Maternal Birth Injuries

  5. Select the correct duration, either PTP1, PTP2, or PTP3

  6. Click Save

  7. If you receive a warning upon saving regarding the Service Charge MBI Level, ensure you have selected the correct MBI Level under the Insurance Billing Details section of he Appointment.  The below shows an example of the pop up warning, where the incorrect MBI Level has been selected.  Click No and edit accordingly