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  2. Gensolve Enterprise Manager

Working with Contract Contacts



Creating Default Contacts Based on the Contract Type

Managing Client Contract Contacts

Editing Contract Contact's Name

Emailing Contract Contacts



 Managing Custom Contracts

Creating Default Contacts Based on the Contract Type

  1. Go to Contracts >> Contract Types >> Edit the Contract Type you want to add default Contacts to >> Default Contacts tab >> Add a New Contact

  1. Enter the Default Contact details for this Contract Type, below is an example.
  2. In the  Contact Type drop down you can Select, Edit or Create a New Contact Type
  3. Once the form is filled >> Click Save

  1. The Default Contacts for this Contract Type will be then be shown >> Click Save to update the Contract Type

  1. When creating a Contract using this Contract Type, the Default Contacts are then available for use with the Client's Contract. They appear on the contract's Contacts & Sites tab as per below.


Managing Contract Contacts

  1. Contract Contacts are entered in a number of different tabs in the Client's Contract.  To access these select Contracts >> All Contracts >> Search via the Client's Name (or Claim Number) >> Get Data >> Click the  next to the Contract you wish to review.

  1. Standard Contract Contacts are entered via the Contract Details tab.  These include, Case Managers, Lead Provider, Client's GP, Client's Specialist, Referrer and the Client's details .  These become available when emailing and click on the Suggestions button (as shown under Emailing Contract Contacts)

  1. Other Contract Contacts can be added via the Contacts & Sites tab. Click on Add a Contact >> Fill the Form >> Click Save

  1. The new Contact will then appear as below in the Contacts & Sites tab.


Editing a Contract Contacts Name

  1. Any of the above areas where Contacts can be added to Contracts, you are also able to edit them by clicking on the  icon.
  2. Please note that editing a Contract Contact's Name will prompt a warning when saving the updated name.  Updating the Contact Name will also update the historical instances where this Contact has been used.  Thus existing Contracts will now reflect the updated Contacts details if applicable.  You will see the below confirmation when updating a Contract Contact.  Click Yes to Save.


Emailing Contract Contacts

  1. Go to All Contracts >> Click on Get Data >> Click on  to edit the Contract
  2. Click on Contracts & Sites tab >> Click on Add a Contract
  3. Fill the form >> Click on Save

  1. Click on  to send the Email to
  2. Click on Suggestions
  1. Tick all To mails required
    Note: The suggestion button gives all the email addresses which are connected to the recipient being emailed.
  2. Click on OK
  1. Click on Send to send the mails to all recipients
  2. Click on Yes