Using Medicare Online with Gensolve

The Medicare Online claiming service is integrated with Gensolve.

You can use Medicare Online to perform transactions from within the Gensolve application.

Follow the tutorials below to learn how to use the Medicare Online with Gensolve:

  1. Setup Medicare Online
    Medicare Online needs to be setup in Gensolve so it can be used to carry out Medicare Claims via Medicare Online.
  2. Setup Clinicians for Medicare
    A Claim will process services provided by a clinician. Each clinician should have been given a Medicare Provider Number which is registered in Medicare.
  3. Perform Medicare Claims
    You can use the Medicare Online Service to submit claims to Medicare for services provided by your practice.
  4. Set KM and Service Details on a Medicare/DVA claim
    Once the Service Charge is changed to the client, you will be able to select Medicare Service Details and add in KM's to be submitted according to the Claim Type selected.
  5. Submit Stored Claims
    You can use the Medicare Online Service to submit stored claims to Medicare
  6. Reconciliation / Automatic Reconciliation of Medicare Claims
    How to reconcile or set Gensolve to automatically reconcile Medicare Online claims
  7. Medicare Online Claim Reports
    After a claim is made you can see the Claim Statement, Processing Report and Payment Report in Gensolve.